Great stuff my dude. I realized that I had inadvertently implemented some similar strategies as this for a while. I uninstalled Facebook and Twitter on my phone a long time ago. Maybe reddit will be next lol. I also generally just don’t buy unhealthy foods, though I have a habit of going out to eat which I’m actually addressing now. I chose to start by experimenting with fasting in the past two months to some success, but now I’m doing a mono-diet where i only eat avocado and sweet potato (i can use oil to cook the sweet potato and can use salt and spices however i wish). I’m on day 6 of that and plan to go 13 days (Sunday being the day I change it up and meal plan for the next week). After this is up, I’ll keep up meal planning and eating mostly the same thing every day. The lack of variety helps prevent over eating and keeps life a little simpler.